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Dry Age Rump Steakj
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:41 am
by Timbo123
I have recently dry aged some Rump Steak on the bone and unfortunately I had it hanging for too long.
The usual period of dry age is around 6 weeks however on this occasion, I had it dry aging for 10-12 weeks which was too long. It is tender however it has a very powerful taste where it becomes quite strong and has a cheesy taste.
The question is how can I marinade a is there anything I can do with the meat before cooking so that I can reduce the strong taste?
Ideas are welcome.
Thanks Tim
Re: Dry Age Rump Steakj
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:39 pm
by Davo
HI and welcome Timbo,
Dry aging steaks is not something I've ever practiced and is a bit of a delicate process.
It's obvious by leaving it for as long as you did, the meat has rotted and/or has grown a mould which can make it smell like a mouldy cheese and it's not really safe to eat.
I don't think there's anything you can do to save it. Generally you use salt and age it in the fridge like a dry brine but only for up to a few days.
I searched for answers as it's not a practice that I do....this is what I came up with:
To dry age steaks at home, you can:
Get a prime cut of beef and cut it into steaks that will fit your fridge.
Unwrap the steak and pat it dry with paper towels. Do not wash it.
Sprinkle salt evenly on both sides of the steak and let it sit on a plate for 45 minutes, then flip and repeat.
Place a wire rack over a baking sheet and put the steak on the rack. Refrigerate for 2 to 4 days, flipping once a day.
Dry aging steaks is a delicate process that requires careful attention and patience. While it is possible to over-dry age a steak, the exact point at which a steak becomes over-aged can vary depending on personal preference and desired flavor. Here are some factors to consider:
Taste: As steaks age, they develop a more intense and concentrated flavor profile. However, if the steak is aged for too long, it may develop an overly funky taste similar to blue cheese. This flavor may not be desirable for everyone.
Texture: Dry-aged steaks should have a tender texture. However, if the steak is aged for an extended period, it may become excessively tender and lose some of its natural structure. This can result in a mushy or overly soft texture.
Spoilage: Dry-aged steaks are susceptible to spoilage if not properly handled or stored. Mold growth or unpleasant odors are signs of spoilage, and the steak should be discarded immediately if these signs are present.
To avoid over-aging a steak, it is recommended to follow established guidelines and consult professional butchers or chefs for guidance. They can provide expert advice on the optimal aging time based on the specific cut of meat and desired flavor profile.
I guess there'll be some suggestions on Youtube about dry aging......I don't know if you've done it before, i haven't so I can't give you my personal experience.