Pizza on a pizza stone

Mmmm Pizza (how to build and use)
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Pizza on a pizza stone

Post by Cobblerdave »

I have a wood fired oven, and of course it cooks pizza like you wouldn't believe.
But it wasn't always so. I started cooking pizza for my 2 hungry teenage boys in a domestic oven long before pizza stones .
My grans 5 mm thick aluminum baking dish upside down on the top shelf as a heat sink, oven on high. The dough was 50/50 plain flour and self raising flour, add yeast placed in warm water with sugar and oil. Dough doubled in the bowl and then doubled on the tray, an hour to pizza time. It was pretty good.
Nowadays there's pizza stones and its a good place to start as any. I've got an old mate who was thinking of building an oven and we had a great night cooking pizza on a stone.
We used his gas grill on the oven. Heated the hell out of the stone for 30 mins or so under the grill. That's discarding the rack and only having the tray to hold the stone. Removed and replaced with a towel to stop burnt fingers . Launched the pizza from a wood peel on the hot stone and back under the grill. Worked real well as the base cooked at the same time as the toppings.
And it worked well. Not as fast as a pizza oven. But it works well enough and you can produce a pizza that a lot better than the local pizza shop for sure.
Its a great place to start your experiments before committing to a full oven .
And I warn you its a wood fired oven not just a pizza oven I bake and roast more than I make pizza in mine at times.
Regards dave
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