Looks good
Whats it made of (cast cement?)
How thick are the walls?
Did it have an insulated base?
Did you insulate the dome?
Can you close off the oven from the chimney?
How much wood and how long does it take to get to pizza temp?
How long does it hold heat for?
How much does it weigh?
I looked at the Alfresco kits, as well as some others, and was really tempted but in the end the weight and the space to put it was a determining factor. One day maybe, they are seriously good ovens and that's a nice job you did. The pizza looks excellent. Thanks for posting.
Groovy Gorilla wrote:Looks good
Whats it made of (cast cement?) Refractory concrete dome
How thick are the walls? Didn't really check maybe 75mm
Did it have an insulated base? Has a calcium silicate board that goes under the fire brick floor
Did you insulate the dome? Comes with an insulation blanket that you cover with chook wire and render over
Can you close off the oven from the chimney? The door is set in from the chimney so the the oven is completely shut off
How much wood and how long does it take to get to pizza temp? They say 45mins but I've found it works better after it's completely soaked with heat. 1 to 1 1/2 hours. I've probably been using too much wood. I seem to use less and less each time I use it
How long does it hold heat for? The other day it was at 250c 2-3 hours after pulling the coals out. I've yet to get a handle on cooking bread after pizza. I burnt a few loaves already
How much does it weigh?From memory 600kgs
Thats sounding better
With a hebel power panel reinforced with some metal joists under the calsite instead of a slab.(hebel will act as more insulation too without taking direct heat)
And Hebel blocks as the stand.
Might be able to get the whole thing up in about 600ish or less
Sure the balcony could handle the equivalent of 6 big blokes standing together chatting. (obviously not for 10 or 20 years without some extra support.)
Groovy Gorilla wrote:
Sure the balcony could handle the equivalent of 6 big blokes standing together chatting. (obviously not for 10 or 20 years without some extra support.)
It's when the 6 big blokes stand around the 400kg pizza oven that you might have problems. Balcony crashes are not uncommon - I've seen my share was I was insurance assessing for a while.