New Stainless steel Pizza Oven

Mmmm Pizza (how to build and use)
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Re: New Stainless steel Pizza Oven

Post by Budgetburner »

The pizza's we cook in ours directly on the bricks, we don't use pans or anything else. There was already photos of this sorry but they are obviously no longer working. Here's a old photo of one of our pizza's cooking.

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Re: New Stainless steel Pizza Oven

Post by PizzaMan »

Have you got anymore pictures ?
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Re: New Stainless steel Pizza Oven

Post by Anthony81 »

Hi All, I'm interested in a WFO for mainly pizza and the odd loaves of bread (Pane di Casa) Style.
Has anyone baked bread with these ovens and can share any photos or tips on baking.
I would love a brick oven however dont have space or a area to support the weight.
Do these ovens get hot on the outside? Just asking as we have younger kids.
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Re: New Stainless steel Pizza Oven

Post by Lovey »

G'day Anthony,
I used to own one of these ovens, but I didn't get as much use out of it as I should have. I never did anything apart from pizza in mine, and yes, they get extremely hot on the outside as there is minimal to no insulation between the two steel layers.
I was cooking with mine one night and reached in at the wrong angle and touched my forearm on the steel face. You could hear the skin vapourising and I had a nasty burn mark for a while. Funnily enough, neither of my kids burnt themselves, just their silly dad :oops:
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Re: New Stainless steel Pizza Oven

Post by Angryman65 »

Lovey wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:49 pm G'day Anthony,
I used to own one of these ovens, but I didn't get as much use out of it as I should have. I never did anything apart from pizza in mine, and yes, they get extremely hot on the outside as there is minimal to no insulation between the two steel layers.
I was cooking with mine one night and reached in at the wrong angle and touched my forearm on the steel face. You could hear the skin vapourising and I had a nasty burn mark for a while. Funnily enough, neither of my kids burnt themselves, just their silly dad :oops:
I've got it now and burnt myself on it too. :D My kids aren't allowed near it, it's mine. Besides it doesn't run on wifi so why would a 16 yr old want anything to do with it.
Cooks a good pizza but never tried anything else in it yet.
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