Hi there,
First post here. I’m about to buy my reber #22 it comes with 8mm plate hole size is that ok for snags if we run the meat through semi frozen then spice, re-1/2 freeze/cool down and run through again? We were using 10mm on out last batch and the complaints came back (mainly mine) the fat was to coarse.
could the fat be run through say a 6mm plate frozen and the meat run through something bigger then combined?
Does smoking render fat better? Where the course fat wouldn’t be as detectable?
Regards Darren
Reber/snag grind size question
Re: Reber/snag grind size question
Back when I used to make my own snags I used bacon fat but I froze it then blended it with the meat and spices, you then just add a small amount of refrigerated water to the mix to get the consistency before you pipe it into the castings.