Thermopen, Still the best?

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Thermopen, Still the best?

Post by Smokey »

Just looking at my 16 year old thermopen that still works if I jiggle it around a bit and I've noticed a small crack in the hinge area.
I only ever use this device so looking for a new one. All well said and done, I would happily go out and get another. But being out of the game so long maybe something else of better quality has taken it's place? Are new thermopens as good as the old ones? Cheers
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Re: Thermopen, Still the best?

Post by Cobblerdave »

Gday Smokey
Yep the thermo pen is probably the best. A favourite with chefs that accounts for its price they probably write it off to tax. I notice on the Weber bulletin board that it’s on special quit often so that means use mere mortals can afford it.
I’ve got a $40 inkbird IHT-2XP3 it’s pretty bloody quik on the main temp prob. Has 2 probs that you can connect as well so one for a pit prob and one for the meat. Temps just come up on the screen simple really. You can get a more complex one that can blue tooth to your phone. Oh yes it’s rechargeable with simple phone charger. Only downside is that it’s not fully waterproof
It’s a present so have been using it for 8 months without a hitch. At $40 I recon I can get that amount of use out of it easy.
I’ve got an inkbird bbq blower again fairly basic but works well.
Inkbird not the expensive end of the market but for a mug cook I can make use of them.
Regards Dave
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Re: Thermopen, Still the best?

Post by Cobblerdave »

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Re: Thermopen, Still the best?

Post by Smokey »

That's on the list Cobbler :wink: I was also surprised to see that thermoworks still list the same old model I have. It might come down to the drunken e-bay fairy as to what way I go.
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Re: Thermopen, Still the best?

Post by Davo »

I've just bought a simple digital Weber stick thermometer and it's pretty quick, good enough for what i need it for and only $35

I've recently heard that Inkbird may have had a recall on one of their thermometers, not sure what model. Not sure if it's been rectified or not.

Thermo-pens have always been exxy out here in Australia, like everything else with our Aussie Peso, we get charged heaps.

Good to see the Thermopen has lasted that long Mick, doesn't really owe you anything.
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Re: Thermopen, Still the best?

Post by Cobblerdave »

Just for dhits and giggles I post up my original bbbq thermometer. It’s run by a single AA battery off/on F/C no backlight screen. Brand as far as I can read starts with SO and ends with TTO…… I think.
I thinks it a Robin Kitchen purchase from the kids when they were kids so it’s 30 at least.
Slower than a wet week. Yes you take the meat out and close the lid so the heat don’t escape whilst you watch the temp slowly rise. Word of warning the probs pretty thick so stab the top of the roast not the sides as the resulting hole will probably let the roast bleed to death.
I’ve given a lot of things away over the years but not this.
It sits on the microwave….. just in case
Regards Dave
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Re: Thermopen, Still the best?

Post by Smokey »

I ended up going with the thermopen One. So an upgrade to what my old model is. Given that I use it every other day of the week, It's probably the right tool for me. I got a yellow colour again as that is the colour drilled into my head to spot when I'm looking for it.
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Re: Thermopen, Still the best?

Post by Smokey »

Just a heads up, My order from thermoworks US was cancelled as there is an Australian authorised dealer. So I had to re-order from a company in Sydney called Ross Brown. It also came back to me that I think the same thing happened the last time and I forgot. Cost me more and I missed out on a freeby "Mango plate/board",, whatever that is. But for the purpose of information to Aussie cooks and BBQ'rs here is the web page
Beware a one Barbecue man, He probably knows how to use it!
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