i have the book (first pic) which is the newer edition/reprint. I bought my old man the old version (the other pic posted above), so that we could assess the difference between the version - there was very little, if any, difference.....
it's a seriously good book. somewhat of a meat bible. talks about history of meat, what makes good/bad meat, etc. also covers almost every animal - cuts of meat, different methods of cooking, basic charceutrie, a chapter on bbqing, etc..... and has recipes for alot of the meat essentials stews, asian, roasts, pies, ribs, burgers, etc.
it is definitely one of my favourite cookbooks to have a flick through and a read..... (and i have quite a few cookbooks!)
Note that: Gary is posting on the Aussie BBQ Forum as: 'SmokeKingBBQs' (as a vendor) and 'beermee' (as a personal account)